Know How to use ChatGPT Computer, Laptop and Mobile


Steps How to use ChatGPT Computer, Laptop and Mobile

To use Chat GPT, you first need to sign up to create an account on the OpenAI website. To sign up and start using Chat GPT – here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Go to the OpenAI website ( and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right corner of the page(s).
  2. Fill in the information required to create your account, including your name, email address, phone number and a password.
  3. Verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your email or verify through SMS code (One Time Password) sent to your mobile number. Enter the One Time Password in the box shown on the screen and click on the Verify button. Once the email or phone number is verified, your account on Chat GPT is created. After that you can start using it.
  4. Once your account is verified, log in to the OpenAI website using your email address and password.
  5. From the dashboard, you can access Chat GPT by clicking on the “Chat GPT” button under the “Experiment” section.
  6. You can then start using Chat GPT by typing your questions or indicating them in the input fields and clicking the “Ask” button to generate a response from Chat GPT.

Difference between Google and Chat GPT

The Chat GPT search engine is very different from Google in that when you ask it a question, it answers your question in writing instead of giving you a list of links.

Some users have had a good experience with Chat GPT while some say they still trust Google more.

According to people, this chatbot answers the questions in correct and precise language. Chat GPT supports English language. However, the company says that soon it will get support for more and more languages. The good thing about it is that it doesn’t offer links to hundreds of thousands of websites in response to a question like Google does, but Chat GPT answers the question directly.

Often we see that Google search offers many links in response to user’s queries, in which it becomes very difficult to find useful links. This can confuse you at times. But Chat GPT clears up this confusion while saving you time. Let us tell you that GPT does not give you a list of links when you ask a question like chat Google search. Instead Chat GPT gives you 4 to 5 line answer or as per requirement.

Because it is still in the early stages of development. In such a situation, will it be able to compete with Google search in present or future or not? At present, it is too early to reach any conclusion in this regard.

how accurate is chat gpt

Chat GPT is highly accurate and capable of generating human-like responses or answers to a wide range of questions. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT is a machine learning model and is not perfect. It may sometimes give responses or answers that are nonsensical or not related to the prompt.

Chat GPT is at capacity right now, what is the error

“ChatGPT is at capacity right now” This type of issue also appears when you try to login to your account to use the AI chatbot. Despite repeated attempts, we are not able to access the website of openai. This error occurs because of the exceptionally high amount of traffic that the server is receiving.

How to fix – Chat GPT is at capacity right now,

The features of Chat GPT have skyrocketed in popularity in recent weeks and it seems everyone is trying to join in. The company is working on scaling its systems to handle the increasing volume of traffic and improving the quality of service.

We can hope that the OpenAI company will increase its server capacity soon. In this guide, we’ll share our tips on how to fix ChatGPT currently out of capacity error. let’s get started!

Since, ChatGPT is at capacity right now, the error is related to openai’s servers, we can’t really do anything to fix it. However, we do have some tips that will increase your chances of reaching the Chat GPT webpage.

So, here are some tips on how to fix ChatGPT “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error:

  • Click on this link – Get notified when we’re back and register your email to receive updates when the service is back online.
  • Keep refreshing the Openai Chat GPT login page until you get access. You will definitely end up on the Chat GPT web site after some time!
  • Chat Try to connect to GPT’s website during non-peak hours, so that the servers are less crowded.

Read also – What is generative openai

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