How to Get Refund on eBay Under Its Money Back Guarantee Policy?

How to Get Refund on eBay

You can request a refund from eBay if you follow the company’s Money Back Guarantee policy. eBay may issue a refund if you never received an item you paid for or if the item arrived defective or otherwise differed from the item’s description in the original listing. While eBay sellers should ideally provide you a refund willingly, eBay will step in to mediate if someone requires assistance on how to get a refund on the eBay platform.

Even if you pay quickly, it’s likely that the seller will not deliver your item or that it will arrive broken, defective, or in a state that differs significantly from what was described in the listing. After all, no one wants to pay for an item that is damaged or never comes in the first place.

Fortunately, eBay gives a Money Back Guarantee on every transaction on the site, which means you can and will be refunded if a transaction goes wrong for reasons wholly beyond your control. While the seller should be nice enough to provide you a refund if they fail to satisfy the terms of the deal, if they don’t, eBay will eventually step in.

If you don’t know how to get a refund on eBay without PayPal, here’s how.

How to Refund a Buyer without Using PayPal on eBay

If you’re seeking a quick solution on how to refund a buyer on eBay without PayPal, here’s how to accomplish it:

  • Log in to your eBay account using your username and password.
  • To reveal a drop-down menu, click on “My eBay” in the upper-right corner of your screen.
  • Select “Purchase history.”
  • If you received a damaged or incorrectly described item, you can select “Return item” on the right-hand side, in which case you must arrange for the seller to receive the item and provide you a refund. While some vendors will supply you with a shipping label to return the item, the cost of postage is frequently deducted from your total refund amount.
  • If you did not receive your item, go to “More options” and then “I didn’t receive my item.”
  • Following that, a note will be sent to the seller informing them of your request for a refund. Check the “I want a refund” box, then provide any further remarks in the area provided before clicking “Send request.”
  • The vendor has three days to react to your request and refund your money. If they do not, you can escalate the situation through the eBay Resolution Center, and eBay will intervene within 48 hours to ensure that your money is reimbursed to your original payment method.

How to Issue an eBay Partial Refund in PayPal

It’s definitely the quickest and simplest approach to find out how to issue a partial refund on PayPal. You have 180 days to complete this task if you follow these procedures. After you’ve signed in:

  • Click ‘activity’ in the page’s header, which is located between ‘summary’ and ‘send & request.’
  • Locate the disputed payment in the list of transactions.
  • Choose ‘refund this payment.’
  • By default, the whole amount is displayed; modify this to the amount you want to refund.
  • Select ‘Continue.’
  • Check that all of the information is correct, then click the ‘issue refund’ button.

How to Issue a Partial Refund In eBay Managed Payments

If you’ve no idea how to issue a refund on eBay managed payments, you can do it directly from your seller hub:

  • Locate the order in question in your hub and select ‘start refund’ from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter the reason for which you are processing the refund.
  • Set the amount of money to be refunded, either per item or per order.
  • Once you’ve input the correct amount, click ‘send refund,’ and you’re done.
  • The amount you were refunded will subsequently appear in the order details.

Things To Keep In Mind When Refunding Using eBay Managed Payments

You have the option of issuing an eBay partial refund by order or by item. The item option is clear; if you issue an order-level partial refund, the money you pay back is proportionally divided among all the goods in the order.

Keep in mind that you can only issue one partial refund per order. If there is a dispute or claim against the order, you will not be able to issue a refund until the dispute or claim is resolved.

Refunds via managed payments, unlike PayPal refunds, can be provided up to 60 days after the transaction was first paid for.

How Do I Get In Contact with eBay Directly? When you find any issue regarding how to do a refund on eBay, you can access Seller Help from the official website of eBay. Alternatively, go to “Help & Contact” at the top of any eBay page and click the “Try it now” option on the Seller Help banner.

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